Gift Ideas For Bridesmaids

Thinking of the perfect gift for your bridesmaids is one of the most thrilling aspects of the wedding planning process! These are your best friends who are always there for you no matter what. Your lovely bridesmaids have already spent money, effort, and time to be part of your wedding day – from celebrating your engagement to organizing a blow-out bachelorette party, they’re an important factor in helping your ideal wedding party come true. So, if you’re having a hard time deciding on a great gift idea for them, luckily, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve listed some of

Valentines Day Gift Ideas For Him

Valentine’s Day is a special occasion. When you have a great guy in your life, you’ll want to treat him to a special present to celebrate your love and show him your appreciation this Valentine’s Day. While guys like just about anything, you should get him a gift that he will love and use. We have gathered 10 of the best Valentine’s Day gift ideas to help you find the perfect gift for your husband, boyfriend or partner. 10 Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas 1. Craft Beer A gift box of beer will make any beer-lover smile. If he is on

Are Gift Baskets To Employees Taxable?

When you think of employee gifts, do not automatically assume that giving something to an employee would be considered taxable. Small businesses could give away a gift certificate, bottle of wine, and a gift basket all without the fear of them counting under your staff’s employment income. Yet, some holiday gifts to your employees can be taxable. So, while you may give an employee a gift out of the kindness of your heart, it could come with its tax implications. If you want to celebrate the holiday season or a special occasion by rewarding your employees’ gifts, there are some

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Baskets The Canada Revenue Agency has made an exception with non-cash gifts. Tangible gifts like a bottle of wine, sporting event tickets, or a gift basket are not taxable. However, a non-cash gift may not be tax-free if the total cost of the gift exceeds a combined total value of $500 in the same year. Small business owners may be required to include noncash gifts and awards on your employee’s taxable income if the total fair market value of the gifts is over $500. The following gifts are great for your employees and have a low fair market value: Gift